NAEP is hosting advanced workshops. Topics include: Best Practices for NEPA Implementation in a Dynamic Regulatory Environment; Tailoring Stakeholder Identification and Engagement; Environmental Justice; GHG Guidance and Climate Resiliency; Evaluation of Indirect and Cumulative Effects; and New and Emerging Trends in Impact Analysis.
Who should attend? The target audience for this workshop would include experienced NEPA planners, managers, decision-makers, environmental engineers/scientists/ specialists, consultants, regulators, applicants, and attorneys who require an in-depth understanding of NEPA law, policy, and project management within their area of environmental expertise, especially those who serve on NEPA interdisciplinary teams, work with NEPA planners, or those who review/edit NEPA documents. This workshop will also benefit those professionals who work in related natural resource disciplines who work with federal land management or real estate transactions, federal agency projects or permitting, and transportation or other infrastructure projects with a NEPA review component.
Pricing & Registration
- NAEP Member: $225
- Non-Member Government: $275
- Non-Member Chapter-Only Member: $315
- Non-Member: $350
Register directly through the NAEP workshop event page.
This workshop is 8am-4pm Hawaii Time.