Join us for a presentation on “Water Works: A Case Study of Integrating Complex Cultural Resources into a Multi-Disciplinary Project Approach” followed by a happy hour! Please note, this event starts at Mill Ruins Museum but will move to Crooked Pint at 6:30pm.
5:30PM-6:30PM: Brownbag
Topic: Water Works Case Study Presentation
Mill City Museum (704 South 2nd St. Minneapolis)
6:30PM-8:30PM: Networking Happy Hour
The Crooked Pint (501 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis)
This will be MNAEP’s first brown bag, entitled “Water Works: A Case Study of Integrating Complex Cultural Resources into a Multi-Disciplinary Project Approach.” As such, it will be open to everyone to better illustrate the benefits of becoming a MNAEP member. In the future these brown bag events will be open only to members.
Following the brown bag will the August networking happy hour at the Crooked Pint, only steps away from the Mill City Museum.
You can join MNAEP at either event and MNAEP is offering a discounted membership for 2017 of $20 (6-month membership, cash, check or Venmo).
Please join us!
Member will also be receiving their copy of the NAEP’s National Desk, a member benefit. The NAEP National Desk is a biweekly (once every two weeks) publication of current national issues affecting the environmental professional.