Latest Past Events

CEQ Phase 2 Panel Discussion Rebroadcast

HDR St. Louis Park 1601 Utica Avenue South, St. Louis Park

Join MNAEP as we rebroadcast a panel discussion between industry experts and leaders on NEPA Phase II Regulatory Changes and what they mean for agencies, project proponents and consultants. We will be gathering in-person at HDR's St. Louis Park office to re-stream the webinar and host a Q&A session afterwards. Arrive early for light refreshments […]

Forensic Wetland Webinar


Please join us for a lunchtime webinar with Daniel Dejoode, Ph.D. (Senior Scientist, Braun Intertec), titled "Forensic Wetland Delineation and Sediment Characterization Webinar." Stormwater management and erosion control are important requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. Section 401 requires compliance with water quality requirements. Section 402 requires that all construction sites on an acre […]

Environmental Justice & Redevelopment

Free Webinar

Redevelopment in Environmental Justice (EJ) areas has been important in the brownfield community for many, many years. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Brownfields (MNB) applied for an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Community-wide Brownfield Assessment grant in 2016. The EPA grant was intended for sites in under-served communities within EJ areas in the […]